You can find out more about our governance structure on our website here and the members of our Board and Committees who give up their own time to support the Foundation.
Board of Trustees
Ian Lovett, Zoe Bassett – Independent Trustee, Cliff Gray, Nick Hayes, Tasnim Khalid –, Independent Trustee, Simon Jukes, Paul Mitchener, John Roberts, Claire Oldstein – Advisory member, Sara Winslow – Advisory member
Fundraising Committee
Mo Rasool, Cliff Gray, Sarah Harding, Sarah Hogan, James Lawrie-Ashton, Duncan Kerr, Andrzej Kuich, John Roberts, Graeme Stamper
Grant Committee
Sara Winslow, Ian Andrews, Suki Atwal, Jenny Close, Sheila Davis, Simon Jukes, Tim Lock, Alison Mayfield, Gots Mehra, Setul Mehta, Janet Worman